منتدى فلاوي
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» When the first Whirlpool Duet album was released in December 2001 came as a surprise to the public
Abu Tammam and the Arab identity today to the great poet Abdullah Bardouni Yemen (English) Icon_minitimeالأحد يوليو 31, 2011 9:25 am من طرف زائر

» زهرة و ازواجها الخمسه
Abu Tammam and the Arab identity today to the great poet Abdullah Bardouni Yemen (English) Icon_minitimeالخميس أغسطس 19, 2010 3:50 am من طرف المدير العام

» مسلسل عايزة اتجوز
Abu Tammam and the Arab identity today to the great poet Abdullah Bardouni Yemen (English) Icon_minitimeالخميس أغسطس 19, 2010 3:48 am من طرف المدير العام

»  طاش ماطاش الجزء ال 17 بجودة DvBrip - متجدد
Abu Tammam and the Arab identity today to the great poet Abdullah Bardouni Yemen (English) Icon_minitimeالخميس أغسطس 19, 2010 3:45 am من طرف المدير العام

» حيلهمـ بينهم من الآخر :
Abu Tammam and the Arab identity today to the great poet Abdullah Bardouni Yemen (English) Icon_minitimeالخميس أغسطس 19, 2010 3:38 am من طرف المدير العام

» بنات سعوديات
Abu Tammam and the Arab identity today to the great poet Abdullah Bardouni Yemen (English) Icon_minitimeالسبت مايو 08, 2010 4:27 pm من طرف أبو وائل

» صورة الشباب
Abu Tammam and the Arab identity today to the great poet Abdullah Bardouni Yemen (English) Icon_minitimeالسبت مايو 08, 2010 4:21 pm من طرف أبو وائل

» صورة فيل في بركة الباحة
Abu Tammam and the Arab identity today to the great poet Abdullah Bardouni Yemen (English) Icon_minitimeالسبت مايو 08, 2010 4:17 pm من طرف أبو وائل

» قصيدة اب فطيس
Abu Tammam and the Arab identity today to the great poet Abdullah Bardouni Yemen (English) Icon_minitimeالسبت أبريل 24, 2010 2:17 am من طرف @$مجرم حب $@

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 Abu Tammam and the Arab identity today to the great poet Abdullah Bardouni Yemen (English)

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
المدير العام
المدير العام

Abu Tammam and the Arab identity today to the great poet Abdullah Bardouni Yemen (English) Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Abu Tammam and the Arab identity today to the great poet Abdullah Bardouni Yemen (English)   Abu Tammam and the Arab identity today to the great poet Abdullah Bardouni Yemen (English) Icon_minitimeالجمعة ديسمبر 11, 2009 7:47 am

Abu Tammam and the Arab identity today
To the great poet Yemen Abdullah Bardouni

What to believe the sword! If ii Indah lying and lie did not believe that the sword ii anger

Eggs donated platelets when ii borne supported if dominated by the above ii Outsmarting

And the ugliest victory ... Ii mighty victory without understanding .. Only understand how they sold ... How ii won

Worse than ignorance of science reassure people into semi-ii Tgua science and raped ii

They said: "They are the finest human beings and ate something .. And ii ate or drank Rights

What happened ... O Abu Tammam ii ask me? Sorry I will tell .. Not to ask .. And ii why

Bleeding shame when we ask the question how celebrated Balady (Haifa), or ii the Negev)

Of a meet? The insistence Motasem? Both shame and from (Alovchen) What ii crucified

Day returned Alloj (Roman) ii Light and Arab homeland and the denied ii robbery

What have we done? Ii anger as the men could not believe .. Ii has been ratified by astrology, books

Votefot meteors (Mirage) ii Ondjemna and sun ... And challenged another fire wood ii

And fought without us holding trumpets ii The men devoured ... Or ii, then fled

The rulers have confronted the fever broke, although challenged by colonial ii withdrawn

They brush the invading army ii their eyes and claim to dress before ii Ithboa

Rulers and »Washington« ii government and eminent .. The feeling of not ii Grbwa

Murderers genius of the people ii satisfaction of the aggressors and Ocdethm
Them Hmok (Muthanna) and have apparent ii Hui »Pike Khermi« belongs

What do you think you (Abu Tammam) Do ii lied Ohsabna? Or forgetting race ii gold?

Arabism, on the other does not reveal its existence in the name of the color. Ii no title

Ninety-ALFA (Amorite) ii Atkaddoa mine and said: "We ii meteors

By: waiting for the harvest generosity ii waited clusters but before maturity ii Althbwa

Today, ninety million and ii has reached the mature age of the olive and grape ii

Forgotten warheads Awali fire ii Nkhutha if Amttaha to his masters ii wolf

(Habib) and Lafitte from Sanaa eagle and leads me behind my chest gasping ii Arabs

What the latest from Sanaa O ii Daddy? Maliha Ashqaha: tuberculosis and scabies ii

Died Fund »Waddah« ii no cost and will not die in Hachaha ii love and enjoyment

Subuh had been monitoring the Baath ii the surface in a dream, and then threw herself ii fall asleep and await the

But despite the rain skimp ii been pregnant in her womb »Qahtan« or »carb«

In sorrow eyeballs Igtli ii »Yemen« Than boyhood dream ... Distance and near

»Habib« ask about the current and how ii am I? His youth in the lips of the wind sobbing ii

Your country was the (nomadic), noon (NK) As it appeared in my wattle

Oreit all flesh Agdib ii deceased was sponsored by the spill and water Rawd

I started to travel to hard Odhany ii travel through the rest because fatigue ii

But I'm late, not for what ii travel luggage onto my blood ... And on my way and firewood embers ii

If you ride for the passengers, I ii nuclei inside ... Get on a bullet and alienated
Graves and the tragedy of AD on my shoulder and around me nothing blown ii and bustle

»Habib« This day Saddak ii Enschede but what do you see my face and ii become depressed?

What? Chibi surprised by the micro-ii? I was born an old man .. How ii Tatjb?

Today Odhui and carelessness of art ii Iezffine Forty on my cheeks ii fester

If a white maturation as well as life on the literary light of thought and literature ii

And you're caught by the forty-ii on fire (enthusiasm) and elect Tjloha

The Tjtdi every thief luxurious gift and you give up what poetry come

Cherqt alienated from (and the) to ii (King) pushes poverty ... Or ii Iqtadk demand

Carthage until he reached (Mosul) ii went out and you did not satisfy her aspirations of Arp

But the death of Majid feat ii motion by the birth of her youth breastfeed ii eras

»Habib« still in your eyes questions seem to ... And forget Gayaha Vtantqub

And still Bhgay A. ii Mbkip the fear of revealing Tsthieddi ii sputtering and

Is enough to everyone else ii wasted our blood and our blood and Nhasso Nhtalp

Clouds and the invasion Tchouna ii Thjbna days of Sthabl Iraadna ii clouds?

Do not see you »Abu Tammam« ii Barguena (The sky is obscured please while ii)

(The sky is obscured please while ii)
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Abu Tammam and the Arab identity today to the great poet Abdullah Bardouni Yemen (English)
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